My 10 hopes for the world

10 May

For those of us that hope for a better world, what would that look like for you? What would it take to get us there? If we just kept aiming for it, is it possible to at least in part improve our lives and our world beyond what they are now?

This would also be great to ask your students or children. What do they hope for? Encourage them to think about what they can do to make a difference.

I remember the amazing speech by Severn Cullis-Suzuki known as the girl who silenced the world over 12 years ago and wonder why after all this time we are still not acting as one planet to preserve our future. Share this video with your students and you’ll find out just how motivating it is in encouraging them to take action also. The quality of the video isn’t great however the message and passion in her voice is inspirational.

I am still hopeful as each one of us realises we can make a difference, that perhaps we will get closer to creating the world we truly imagine more than we realise. I do this daily in my work and am privileged to know and work with many others who also do this in theirs whether they are educators, parents, leaders, Rotarians and young people also.

If I was to sum up my top 10 hopes for the world right now they would be (in no particular order):

  1. A world where a child is born with unconditional love and the promise of a happy and fulfilling life.
  2. A world where people accept and love who they are and are free to love and be with whom they choose.
  3. A world where we value one another with no comparison between what we have and don’t have.
  4. A world that comes from the heart and truth not from ego or fear.
  5. A world where individuals have the power to live freely and safely and where no systems exist that attempt to control them.
  6. A world where nature is preserved and supports our planet to be self- sustaining for all humanity.
  7. A world that fosters the beauty of our indigenous people and learns from their wisdom.
  8. A world where everyone has the right to the education they choose, wherever they choose, and where a love of learning is never ending.
  9. A world full of compassion and understanding that allows us to connect with people’s hearts and not judge them by the colour of their skin, their gender, their age, their beliefs, their imperfections or their choices.
  10. A world where we live in the present and do all we can to create a sustainable future for the many that follow.

What are your hopes for our world? What can you do each day that makes a difference?

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