Self Care Tips

16 May

Here are some self-care tips that can support you and your family at this unprecedented time. It is so important to place self care at the top of our list. 

During this time of uncertainty, what are you doing to take care of yourself?  Really think about this question.  Have you discovered that self-care has slipped down, or off your list of priorities.  You don’t need anyone telling you the importance of looking after yourself, and how this impacts on you holistically (i.e. Socially, Physically, Intellectually, Culturally and Emotionally). This includes your health, relationships, performance and coping skills – but when you’re busy, especially while trying to juggle family and school and/or work changes, it is often the first to go, and yet essential to all aspects of our life.

Use Human Literacy to assist you to understand which part of your life is out of balance and then select a self-care option that supports you to improve it.   

If you are feeling stressed, change your view on it – your body is trying to give you the energy you need to get through the task/time at hand.  It is also signalling to you that you need to reach out and get some support.  It is a great time to add in the very thing you need – some self-care.  This act will change the body and brain response to a more harmonious level. View this great video to understand how you can make stress your friend:

Self-care varies from person to person.   Here are a few things you might want to schedule in (yes, schedule – add it to your diary so it becomes a must do):

  • Have a bubble bath;
  • Watch a good movie;
  • Listen to music that speaks to your soul;
  • Dance;
  • Catch up with friends and family that lift you up;
  • Focus on what you can control and change. Let go of the things you can’t control by visualising this leaving your mind and getting smaller until it disappears;
  • Talk to a mentor or trusted colleague, and seek some support;
  • Connect with someone that can help you to lighten/share the load;
  • Do some physical activity that speaks to you – boxing, yoga, bush-walk etc.;
  • Get your camera/phone out and take some great pics (helps increase appreciation of beauty and value the small things);
  • Look at photos or videos that make you smile. Create a Pinterest board or youtube playlist, so you can access it on the go.  Cat/dog videos and/or photos of animals are often a big hit across all ages;
  • Write a thank-you card to someone – this act of kindness can make you feel great too;
  • Start a gratitude journey.  Find one thing each day to be thankful for.  This could be a digital journey filled with photos/videos, or one with words.   Make sure you look out for little things, like a beautiful sunset, or someone holding a door open for you;
  • Get outside and connect with nature – hug a tree, dig your feet into sand or grass, dance in the rain etc;
  • Start the day with a good serve of protein;
  • Enjoy a sleep-in;
  • Go to bed early;
  • Eat lots of feel good veggies;
  • Do something creative;
  • Add some art or photos to your walls or try some indoor plants;
  • When you speak to someone clost to you, share ways that you care for yourself;
  • Try some mindfulness exercises such as breathing, mindful walking, eating etc;
  • Visit a place that fills your soul, makes you happy and/or at peace.  Did you know that your brain responds to imagined items in a similar way to the real thing.  This means you don’t have to even actually visit them to get some benefits of being there.  This is one of the reasons why meditation works so well and changes our brains.

Self care is a great thing to teach students and our children; allowing them to develop life skills that will support them as they grow.  

So what would you do now to look after yourself:

  • Socially: to connect with others in whatever way is possible when you need it most;
  • Physically: to support your physical and mental health;
  • Intellectualy: to improve your focus and skills;
  • Culturally: to strengthen your beliefs, mindset and resilience;
  • Emotionally: to accept how you feel and make choices to create calmness in your life?  

How do you make this part of your practice with young people also?  

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